Document Yourself
Africa in the Picture shelters DocumentYourself, a platform to facilitate the predetermined production of the festival. The platform provides fifty percent of the content, the narratives and messages of the festival in various art forms, produced by the diaspora in Europe. During an intensive workshop, creators with different expertise will collaborate and put ideas at the heart of the process of creation.
The platform is an international shortcut academy where participants explore the complexity of migration and immigration. The first stage of the workshop takes place in cities around Europe and the second stage on the African continent. In each workshop, artists, academics, and entrepreneurs are joining migrants and immigrants from around the globe. Participants come from various sectors such as culture, science, law, politics, and business.
The key of DocumentYourself is the interactions among participants and their exchange of observations, experiences, thoughts, ideas, dreams…They are expected to work with verbal, digital and literary tools and seek dialogue with one another. Their input leads to the creation of new utopias, didactic and cognitive, where they find higher levels of understanding and cooperation in a global environment.
Moreover, the workshop is a convocation revolving around reflection and re-creation of the image of oneself, by drawing attention to urgent personal issues and questions, compassing self-criticism and learning to speak an interactive language with others. Each participant is being challenged to give expression to the redefinition of his or her role in society.
The workshop focuses on the following modules to re-create oneself
- To draw attention to urgent question
- To adapt the narrative to active language
- To compass towards self-criticism
These modules of circulatory allow a perfectly thoughtful interrogation to find modes of performative creations.
We will establish a harmonious, aesthetic and deeper dialogue between participants, following quasi-personal questions, a narration of expressions, collaboration and manufacturing Art-works for the final presentation.
The reflections and outcome of the DocumentYourself workshop will be presented during the AITP Festival in the form of text, photographs, and film.
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